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Join Us

You can make a difference!

Volunteer with us, participate in our events and donate funds or materials.


We’re building our volunteer pool

Tell us about yourself and we’ll help you plug in.

Business and Organizational Supporters

We are grateful to these community-minded businesses and organizations for their assistance and advice

We are grateful for essential support from

the following  Foundations: 

Community Foundation of Monterey County
Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County
CalEPA California Environmental Protection Agency

Thank You!!

Thank you to the following major funders of our work along with hundreds of individual donors:

Thank You!!

Donors made our community climate survey possible

Many Thanks!

You helped us create a memorable event

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

Coming soon!


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

Coming soon!

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