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Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 3-5 pm PST

Jose L.
Jose L. is a Pajaro resident and 11th grade student at Watsonville High School. Jose is part of the ECHO leadership academy
(Education, Communication, Humanitarian Outreach) in his High School.

A year ago I was hanging out with my friend enjoying the moment, talking about life. We saw a storm that looked like this one approaching and we didn't think much of it, until the firefighters woke me up at three in the morning.
The Chancla
I saw this chancla and I thought about my mom. I thought about the diligent single mothers in Pajaro who keep us safe.

Pajaro are you concerned?
Walking around the rural areas of Pajaro makes me worry for people who don't have easy access to transportation. How are they going to experience Pajaro without getting dirty or run over by incoming traffic?
In my community I see a lot of cars, I don't see a safe place for families to spend time outdoors. More trees would bring clean air, protection from heat, a feeling of safety and even improve our mood.

The tireless immigrant families who add food to our plates. The corporations take what they need and leave us behind.
The smell here is horrible. This is between houses and corporate farms. This is unsanitary.

On Edge
I have to walk everyday to be able to get my education. I also have to walk to get around town and to go grocery shopping. It doesn't always feel safe and I can't carry as many things back home.
Down the drain
This photo makes me feel frustrated because the berries are going to waste.

The small amount of trees that do exist in my street are on private property. I hope my community can enjoy simply having more trees.
Cayetano Park has a lot of memories for me. The park is one of the few places I can be myself and enjoy the calming nature of Pajaro and be in touch with my community.

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